Five adolescent kids, coming from various charitable establishments, struggle to overcome life’s difficulties by the only means available to them: their friendship. While seeking the mother of one o...
In medieval times, an actress seduces a General and gets to know his world, a world full of conspiracies and intrigue. Soon, the General has to go to war again, and during his absence the actress fall...
Five kids who grew up in orphanages are traveling in order to find the mother of one of them. Their journey will be a path to adulthood and an exploration of their past.
The few survivors of a deserted city, sometime in the near future, are left with no water or food but somehow manage to survive. In a hospital, a lonely scientist, Foteini, is helping a patient with a...
A young woman who works for a women’s magazine is anxious to understand men and worried about her appearance - in order to be ready for the appearance of the perfect man.
A young author and out-of-work teacher (Renos Charalampidis) finds himself involved in a conspiracy to kidnap the daughter of a singer. The young man is considered to be the mastermind behind the plot...