This is, in essence, a satiric film based on an adaptation of three Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian and their adaptation to the historical conditions of the 1960s, when the new demons of the hippie mo...
During his summer vacation on the island of Mytilene, a young and lonely employee, Kostas, becomes infatuated with a femme fatale, Anna, a thirty-five-year-old German woman who is married to a rich lo...
This film presents the daily routine, the alienation and conventionality of a group of actors and other people in the film industry.
A young couple (Antonis Kafetzopoulos and Olia Lazaridou) have a baby affected with the Down Syndrome. In order to avoid the difficulties entailed in bringing a child that will never live a normal lif...
Two partisans who belong to ELAS are trying to return home after the destruction of their unit by the national army. They are pursued by the gendarmerie, the security forces and the army. In the cours...
A young author and out-of-work teacher (Renos Charalampidis) finds himself involved in a conspiracy to kidnap the daughter of a singer. The young man is considered to be the mastermind behind the plot...