A typical slapstick comedy, where two blundering detectives, Agop and his assistance, Giannis, keep messing up every single case, especially when they are asked to find a missing diamond.
Tasia (Nantia Chorafa) wants to be called Nancy and tortures her two brothers (Mimis Fotopoulos and Giannis Malouchos) by refusing to marry Vasilis (Michalis Nikolinakos), who truly loves her. She bri...
The love between a folk singer (Christina Sylva) and an engineer (Kostas Kakkavas) is endangered because of his mother’s (Pamfili Santorinaiou) objections.
Four brothers are badly treated by their cruel stepmother, who only cares about money and her own pleasures and shows no interest in the health and happiness of her four stepchildren.