A man with a tin of Van Houten Cocoa is treated to a splash of water.
Film about Amsterdam orphan girls heading downtown, under supervision.
By offering him a drink, the doctor gets the bed-ridden patient back on his feet in a snap. The content of the film has much in common with De zieke gemeente-ambtenaar (The Sick Municipal Official), o...
The main characters of the revue, Roland and Camilla, rush to catch the ferry across the IJ to reach the Tollhouse. When this film was screened, the song 'Kom Kamilleke, kom' was sung.
The last of the seven short films. This film served as the transition back to the revue. As Camilla sleeps in the garden of Tollhouse Inn, Roland steals a vial of elixir from under her skirt.
A very ill man jumps out of bed in an instant, after a doctor has given him Van Houten Cacao.
Reportage about the visit that the delegates to the First Peace Conference at The Hague made to the floral parade in Haarlem. The First Peace Conference at The Hague took place from May 18 to July 29,...