Deilbh beò a sealltainn beatha Chrìosd. Animated feature recounting the life of Christ. [Source - BBC Alba] Episodes 1 - 3 Stèidheadh Dealbhadh Rèiteach
Fotografie delle presentatrici della RAI: Nicoletta Orsomando, Gabriella Farinoni, Alba Cercato, Annamaria Gambineri, Marilina Cannuli, Annamaria De Caro, Lilli Lembo.
In "1914" we are introduced to three families, two in a big city, one in the country. The De Roquevilles are well-to-do people living an extravagant life. The other city dwellers are the family of Jea...
1 - reed assieme a una giovane donna siede sulla spiaggia
2 - la ragazza scrive sulla sabbia "lunedì" e l'attore la bacia sulla guancia
3 - un'attrice esce a spasso col cane ed è attorniat...
A day in a suburb of a big city. From dawn to dusk the suburb, a city in the city, lives its particular life full of charm and poetry. It is a panorama of human characters who live on the edge of a bi...
An old lady of high society, Alba d'Oltrevita (Lyda Borelli) enters into a pact with Mephistopheles (Ugo Bazzini), to regain his youth in exchange for which, however, she is forbidden to fall in love....
Tra i premiati, Ugo Gregoretti con la targa Gromo per il film "I nuovi angeli" e Francesco Rosi per il film "Salvatore Giuliano". Tra gli attori, premiato Salvo Randone per la sua interpretazione nel ...
After three years together, the relationship between Markus and Sanne has come to a standstill, and a vacation in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is supposed to provide a breath of fresh air. However, arri...
Absztrakt háttér előtt egymásra tekintő férfi (Gábor, Miklós) és nő (Szamojlova, Tatyjana) fekete-fehér fotója. Legfelül, fehérrel a film címe. Jelzés nélkül.
Festett női alak, jobb keze mutatóujján kék szárnyú pillangó. A film címe a plakát alján. Jelezve balra, lent: GÖRÖG L.61'.
Alba Rohrwacher (back view, on the left) in "Sworn Virgin" (2014/15)
Alba August in "Astrid" (2018)
Alba August in "Astrid" (2018)
Alba Rohrwacher in "Sworn Virgin" (2014/15)
Alba August in "Astrid" (2018)
Alba Rohrwacher, Carlo Cerciello (left to right) in "Das Pfauenparadies" (2021)