A poor girl (Gkelly Mavropoulou), without a family, finds, in a rich young man, (Andreas Barkoulis) shelter from the difficulties of life. She decides to marry a wealthy engineer (Lampros Konstantaras...
The unbelievable adventures and emotional entanglements of a naïve dreamer who comes to the capital city from the provinces and finds himself living between dream and reality.
Penny is a member of a gang of drug dealers and hides in a yacht to get away from the police. There, pretending to be a virgin, she manages to seduce the owner of the boat, Aris. Months later, the the...
Ilias has been dreaming of becoming a doctor since he was a child, and is now in the final stage of his studies. He is a true altruist, who wants to help his fellow man and combat tuberculosis. His gi...
The robber Tsakitzis (Andreas Barkoulis) is wrongly accused of murdering a rich Christian in the territory governed by a bloodthirsty Pasha (Stefanos Stratigos). The young man flees to the mountains,...
The daughter (Kakia Analyti) of a thug (Spyros Mousouris) leaves her home to seek refuge with a woman (Alexandra Ladikou) who gives her a job in a fashion house. She falls in love with a young man (Di...
Zaira is a rich young woman who lives on a Greek island and falls in love with a poor young man. However, her parents do not approve of their relationship and try to find ways to separate them.
A romantic girl from the island of Cephalonia, Avgi Molfeta, is a university student in Athens and is in love with a charming student at the Conservatory, Takis Drigos. When her uncle, a man of strict...