A caricature poster made by Michalis Nikolinakos. The two leading actors appear in the center: Mimis Fotopoulos, dressed as a football player, holding a ball and Georgia Vasileiadou, dressed as a brid...
The poster’s main theme is a young couple (Anna Iasonidou, Vas. Mavromatis). It is a depiction of the moment when the man lifts the young girl in his arms. A bit further, in a smaller scale, two dan...
A caricature poster created by F. Kotsinas, featuring the caricatures of the four leading actors, Mimis Fotopoulos, Sotiris Moustakas, Takis Miliadis and Tasos Giannopoulos, dancing, holding each othe...
The poster is a graphic creation of Grafikai Technai K. Mouzakis. It is a composition of black-and-white pictures featuring some of the film’s most representative scenes. The greatest part of the po...
A composition with collage. The poster consists of a big black-and-white photograph of the seven old boys, in a scene from the film. It depicts Mimis Fotopoulos, Nikos Stavridis, Vasilis Avlonitis, Di...