It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
The owner of a company selling electrical appliances, Thomas, hasn’t been doing well lately due to his bad temper and the rotten luck haunting him. Following the advice of Daisy (his lively daughter...
This films tells four different stories, all connected by the banks of a river. Three bandits steal a cross and, while trying to cross the river, one of them (Titos Vandis) gets lost along with the lo...
The adventures of a wheel in the land of Attica. The wheel is unexpectedly deorbited and meanders autonomously in diverse places.
Shots of Athens, accompanied by comments on cit...
A rich man, Loukas (Manos Filippidis), lives happily with his wife (Sofia Vempo), a refugee woman from the Caucasus, and their daughter. When a cousin of his pays them a visit, accompanied by a charmi...
Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
In postwar Thessaloniki, Dimitris, a young man, "arrests" Spyros, a kid who stole a wallet and tells him his story, namely the story of the 160 children that made up "The Barefoot Battalion" and strug...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is a quiet little man who lives with his wife at his mother-in-law’s house. He can’t have any children although everyone else in his family has plenty. He tries every po...