Documentary on the necessity of safeguarding industrial archeological sites in Belgium.
News item on the visit of Grand Duchess Joséphine Charlotte of Luxemburg to Brussels.
Promotional film for the Xaveriuskring Koninklijke Harmonie at Carloo-sint-Job.
Publicity film for the Reynolds wrap.
News report on the World Fair in 1935 in Brussels.
La construction du Résidence Palace de Bruxelles, racontée dans l'ordre chronologique, de 1923 à 1927. Le film a sans doute été réalisé pour le Crédit général hypothécaire et mobilier, maî...
Report on the 30 day visit of a group of Congolese officials to Belgium in 1953.
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Uomini - Militari
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Uomini - Militari - Gruppi - Strade
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Interni - Persone - Ritratti - Donne - Bambini
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Uomini - Militari - Gruppi - Armi da guerra - Cannoni
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Uomini - Militari - Strade - Cavalli
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Ponti - Vedute - Fiumi
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Strade - Cavalli - Militari - Uomini - Vedute
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Strade - Cavalli - Militari - Uomini
Eine Komödie aus der Konfektion nach dem Theaterstück
Report on the fifth part of the tunnel construction in Brussels
Short report of a manifestation against the presence of Germans in Belgium, after the war.
Newsreel item on the commemoration of the First World War.
Newsreel item on the commemoration of the First World War.
Promotion film on the working of the post office.
Report on the celebrations for author Cyriel Buysse in the city hall fo Brussels.
A visit ot the World fair of 1958, seen through the eyes of a child.