The British occupation of Cologne, including 1st Cavalry Division and 29th Division marching past General Sir Herbert Plumer, commanding the Army of Occupation, across the Hohenzollern Bridge, 6th-14t...
French officers greet Luxembourg officers in Heiderscheid. The Luxembourg troops, all quite elderly, possibly 1870 veterans, march past followed by the French. The senior French officer is read a test...
The Honourable John R L French leaves Saint Paul's church, Knightsbridge, after the wedding ceremony with his bride, the former Miss Olivia John. The pair are later shown with Lady French (the Field M...
The soldiers prepare wood-and-earth shelters for themselves and their horses for the forthcoming winter in Russian Poland. At "Chassina" (presumably in Poland) the town is a smoking ruin an hour after...
There are two cameras filming the event, on either side of the flight deck and forward of midships - the cameramen can be seen at work on a number of occasions. The ship is steaming 15 knots and wind ...
A military parade in the Balkans. An outdoor mass. The main square, flagged and decorated. Gun salutes at the roadside. A parade, a band and both infantry and artillery soldiers pass by the Austrian a...
Prince Heinrich of Prussia visits the Russian Orthodox Church at Kovno (Russian Poland) after the Russian retreat of summer 1915. A beached and burnt-out Russian steamer is shown on the bank of the Ri...
The King inspects the ship's company drawn up on deck. With him are various naval and civilian dignitaries, including Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty (seen briefly). The party comes d...