Spectators watch as engineers complete the fitting of the tank's tracks for its rough ground tests. It drives up and down slopes, over frozen puddles, and across railway lines. Then, with the tracks a...
The captions stress that, although "not quite the Flanders variety" there is still a lot of mud in the battle for "our now almost wholly mechanised Army". In the rain small patrols of Cavalry and Infa...
Over the rough ground of the foothills the British drive their tanks, the Light Tank Mark IIB. In close-up, the turret of one tank opens and the commander (wearing a special tanker's helmet) emerges t...
The King, with binoculars, stands with a group of staff officers watching the exercises. King George and Queen Mary stand with a group of officers beside a NAAFI wagon. As part of the exercise the tro...
The hearses, with an escort of sailors, enter the cemetery. One coffin, draped with a Union Jack, is taken from its hearse to its burial plot. An Army burial party fires shots over the grave. One woma...
The procession, led by the Mayor and by Mr George Benson, winds through the streets. Its object, according to the caption, is to lay a wreath on Shakespeare's tomb.
Newsreel item on a Saint Georg...
The bride and groom emerge from the church through the arch of crossed swords formed by naval officers. A party of sailors pulls the bridal car along by a rope as cameramen jump out of the way. The re...
The tanks, in a 'swarm', roll over the grassland - Vickers Medium Mark IIs and Mark IIIs of 5th Battalion, accompanied by Infantry carriers. A Medium Mark II Command Tank of 5th Battalion stops near t...