Following parts had to be removed:4.act, number 1160 "Was macht denn die junge Dame da oben" (What is the young lady doing upstairs) to number 1317 "Ja, ja laß von mir mein schönes Kind" (Well, well...
Following part had to be removed:Sound, while the youth of Berlin is shown by the opening celbrations, when parts of the "Horst-Wessellied" are audible, had to be removed. After this cuts the film was...
Film company applies for a new censoring of the film "Slavia - L - Brox (Románek letcův)". The film was qualified for public screening - full permission.Date of issue of the first (previous) censors...
2 sequenes had to be removed:1) the text passage number 5 in the 1st act "Ich werde die Kirchen nicht schließen lassen" ("I´m not going to close the churches")2) picture, 8th act, number 12: padre S...
Following part had to be removed:In picture 1 "Eröffnung des Reichsberufswettkampfes" (opening of the profession contest of the Reich) the scenes, where the flags are shown, had to be cut out.The fil...
Following parts had to be removed:1) 30. Jänner 1938 Reportage2) Dr. Goebbels vor der Hitlerjugend (Dr. Goebbels visiting/by the Hitlerjugend) 3) Vorbeimarsch der Leibstandarte vor dem Führer (The l...
Following text part had to be removed:part 1 "Wieder 100 km Reichsautobahn" (again 100 km Reichsautobahn) from the words "da können diese Menschen" to "ja ganz anders".Part 2 of the newsreel "Die Lei...
Following parts had to be removed:1) 1.act - Can can -scene2) 2. act: dialog scene from "Seidene Hosen" (Silk trousers) to "geh schon, ich muss mich anziehen" (Now go, I´ve to get dressed)3) 4. act: ...
German movie poster of "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the left) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen, Irja von Bernstorff in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the left) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Volker Michalowski, Veronica Ferres, Gael García Bernal (in the front from left to right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Volker Michalowski (in the middle), Gael García Bernal (on the right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Compilation of short News reports concerning: - a shouting contest - a man jumping from a driving car onto a flying plane. - thousands of Hindus travelling to the Ganges River. - Geese flocks on a far...
01 – Cinema (Roma, 16/11/1976) Sulle pagine di alcuni quotidiani, articoli che parlano della crisi che sta attraversando il cinema italiano. L'attrice Agostina Belli, sul set cinematografico, ...
An african tourist from Nigeria, named Victor, is staying in Switzerland because of an illness for long time. The director of this documentary Ulrich Schweizer collects some memorys of people who were...
Den 17-årige Ethan bor i en lille by i South Carolina og drømmer om at slippe væk fra sit kedelige liv. Men alt ændrer sig den dag han møder Lena, der ¿ bogstaveligt talt ¿ er hans drømmepige;...
»Litteraturens film" er et undervisningsmateriale til dansk i de gymnasiale uddannelser, der sætter fokus på film med litterære rødder: novellefilm, filmatiseringer, litterære portrætfilm, film...
I syv programmer går TV 2 bag om syv danske drabssager med hvert sit motiv for at blive klogere på, hvad der får et menneske til at begå den værste forbrydelse af dem alle: At slå et andet menne...
Lebensbild (Ton-, Geräusch-, und [deutscher] Dialogfilm) mit
Satyrische Legende (französisch) nach dem