(Reel 1) King George V and General Sir Herbert Plumer, commanding Second Army to which the two divisions were attached, are greeted by 30th (Old Hickory) Division commander, Major-General Edward M Lew...
1. Batumi: The Russian trade steamer that was sunk by the Turks.
2. War reports from the West. / Primitive manufacture of wax candles for the trenches. Photographed by Martin Kopp.
3. Coast ...
As indicated by the title, this is an obvious melodrama, where a beautiful rich girl (Miranda), departs from family norms and traditions by falling in love with a poor singer – obliging her to leave...
Progress report regarding new Pollok housing estate on the outskirts of Glasgow. The contrast between new semi-detached houses and older tenements is illustrated.
I. Columns of British companies march into the city on 18th October. They are Liverpool Irish, otherwise 8th Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment) of 57th (West Lancashire) Division. The men carry fl...
It is Christmas Eve and Martha, Eleni's grandaughter, is sent out to beg in the streets, is hit by a car and seriously injured. Martha’s grandmother, Eleni, is Mrs. Olga’s maid from Southern Epir...
Join in all the fun of Ardeer Sports and Gala Day, 1954.
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
4996 - Aisne 1918 German corpse Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
Compilation of short News reports concerning: - a shouting contest - a man jumping from a driving car onto a flying plane. - thousands of Hindus travelling to the Ganges River. - Geese flocks on a far...
01 – Cinema (Roma, 16/11/1976) Sulle pagine di alcuni quotidiani, articoli che parlano della crisi che sta attraversando il cinema italiano. L'attrice Agostina Belli, sul set cinematografico, ...
An african tourist from Nigeria, named Victor, is staying in Switzerland because of an illness for long time. The director of this documentary Ulrich Schweizer collects some memorys of people who were...
Den 17-årige Ethan bor i en lille by i South Carolina og drømmer om at slippe væk fra sit kedelige liv. Men alt ændrer sig den dag han møder Lena, der ¿ bogstaveligt talt ¿ er hans drømmepige;...
»Litteraturens film" er et undervisningsmateriale til dansk i de gymnasiale uddannelser, der sætter fokus på film med litterære rødder: novellefilm, filmatiseringer, litterære portrætfilm, film...
I syv programmer går TV 2 bag om syv danske drabssager med hvert sit motiv for at blive klogere på, hvad der får et menneske til at begå den værste forbrydelse af dem alle: At slå et andet menne...
Lebensbild (Ton-, Geräusch-, und [deutscher] Dialogfilm) mit
Satyrische Legende (französisch) nach dem