During a vernissage of his work the artist sees the visitors change into surrealistic creatures of his fantasy. The beauty of a girl abducts him into the land of dreams. When he regains consciousness,...
Il lungometraggio racconta la vita e il pensiero di Dreyer attraverso le immagini, le foto e i dialoghi dei suoi film - Dies Irae,Intollercance, La passione di Giovanna D'Arco, Gertrud, Ordet, Medea, ...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Films from the National-Socialist period must be considered in the context of state-influenced production and reception. Further informations »
Bericht von den Feierlichkeiten zum 70. Geburtstag von Generalfeldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg am 2.10.1917 in Bad Kreuznach. Kaiser Wilhelm II. begibt sich mit Gefolge in die Villa Imhoff; Hindenbur...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS / Bildmeister "Jahreszeiten": On the screen of a TV set, first text: „Evening after evening, year after year after year, color TV sets Siemens Bildmeister.“ Color pictu...
Szene mit Gertrud Kückelmann (rechts)
Gertrud Meyen, Volker von Collande
Szene mit Paul Dahlke, Gertrud Kückelmann (vorne)
Still with Gertrud Roll (in the middle)
Gertrud Quillus in an old people's home (1989)
Gertrud Quillus in an old people's home (1989)
Gertrud Kückelmann, Ruth Leuwerik (v.l.n.r.)
Hertha Staal, Gertrud Kückelmann (v.l.n.r.)