A few lines about a few minutes' peace of mind, made visible: I am half in a dream / half awake / when I'm left all alone/ all at peace / then I know / more than I thought / I knew / about the deeper ...
Klara looks back on her 53 years long life in the woods of Siberia, the Taiga. She belongs to the Evenk people, who originally lived a nomad life in the Tiga as hunter-gathers. Today most Evenks live ...
14-year-old Jorgis is a gifted choir boy. The star voice of the Royal Chapel Choir. A few weeks before the choir's biggest concert, his vocal coach delivers a shocking note: Jorgis' voice is starting ...
Barney Richards is 37 years old. He lives with his mother in a provincial town. One night at the local discotheque he bumps into Gavin, an old aquaintance, who is doing well in the capital. Suddenly, ...
[Bologna 11 March 1978: the movement] Footage (taken from a window) of a demonstration by the Bologna students movement in remembrance of the events of March 1977. The procession moves along Via Zambo...
50 HOURS is a documentary focusing on children spending extremely much time on computer games. Kristoffer who usually spend 50 hours in front of the computer monitor is asked to stop playing for a wee...
Soziales Kriegsdrama von Hans Brennert mit Adele Sandrock. (Propagandafilm zur Verhütung von Arbeiterstreiks.) Eine alte Bäuerin hatte zwei Söhne, der ältere ist an der Front, der jüngere ...
Hochinteressante Originalaufnahmen. Ausrüsten der Abteilungen mit Helmen. Beziehen der Stellungen. In Stellungbringen der Geschütze aller Kaliber. Laden und Abfeuern. Der Kaiser bei einer Res...
German movie poster of "Lost Place" (2011-13)
Emily Cox, Andrea Wenzl (from left to right)
German movie poster
Adrian Topol
Michael Breitsprecher, Heinrich Schafmeister, Herbert Knaup, Hansa Czypionka, Werner Karle jun. (left to right) in "Die Sieger" (1994)
"Narren" (2019)
Still from "Die Thomaner"
Onur Saylak
In front of a country church, women clad in Setesdal bunads (traditional Norwegian folk costumes) display their fine silver accessories. Silversmith Knut Sigurdsøn Helle, of Hylestad in Setesdal, is ...
Finland beats Sweden in a shooting competition. Football match: Finland v. Sweden. Speech by Erik von Frenckell (1887-1977). Mr Fagerholm (1901-1984), Minister for Social Affairs, greets the players...
The Gay Liberation Front (B.B.F.) started in 1971 as an action group, who by its frivolous behaviour provoked the bourgeoisie as well as the 'nice' self-suppressing homosexuals. Several of the groups ...
"The Danube is the starting point of any military operation, no matter in what direction this is being executed; it is an excellent line of defence, suitable to confront any kind of attack, wherever i...
1. 8000 danske arbejdere er fra Tyskland ankommet på juleorlov, stemningen er høj i togene og ved færgen. 2. Fodboldspillernes julestævne i Københavns Idrætspark sætter rekord med 11.000 tilsku...
300 er den drabelige genfortælling af Slaget ved Thermopylæ, hvor Kong Leonidas og hans 300 tapre spartanere sloges mod den persiske Kong Xerxes og hans enorme hær. Spartanerne stod overfor en umul...
Ein Kinderdrama (Kostüm) mit
1. Begrafenis van Staf De Clercq. / 2. Zwemwedstrijd in de haven van Barcelona. / 3. Katoenoogst in Afrika. / 4. De vislederproductie in Estland. / 5. Winterkapsels en winterhoeden. / 6. "De Ramblers"...