Hybrid film, including American film war propaganda footage, concerning the diplomatic relations between Germany and the United States during World War I following the case of Miss Cavell, a source of...
Hundred year anniversary of the Belgian revolution (which resulted in the independance of Belgium in 1830).
"Reportage on what life is in the trenches on the Western Front. It questions the aim to be achieved in spite of the bloodshed and continuation of dying soldiers in the Belgian killing fields. This re...
Newsitems from all around the world.
Pathé newsitems showing a number of military subjects.
Pathé newsitems showing a number of military subjects.
Celebration of the centenary of the Belgian Red Cross.
The musical legacy of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium: the genesis of the annual Queen Elisabeth Music Competition.
The musical legacy of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium: the genesis of the annual Queen E...
Documentary about Albert I, King of Belgium.