A young woman named Chloe (Elli Lampeti), child of a degraded Athenian family, is forced by her mother (Athina Michailidou) to marry a rich man (Minas Christidis) to save the family from financial rui...
John Johnson (Paris Alexander), representative of an American fruit company, is trying to promote in Greece a tomato juice called “Red Horse”. For the product’s commercial he uses a popular sing...
A social drama with melodramatic twists. A gang of white slavers systematically seduces young women into prostitution. At the time, the film was somewhat shocking in its approach to nudity. It provide...
A film adaptation of Minos Volonakis’ theatrical production of Euripides’ Medea. A famous Greek actress named Maya (Melina Merkouri) returns to Greece to play in a modern version of Medea. During ...
Vasilis Maras (Vasilakis Kailas) is a poor orphan child whose father has died and who wants to study - so he works as a shoe-shine boy. His mother Anna (Rita Myrat), who was working as a maid in a wea...
Adapted from Nikos Foskolos’ theatrical play. On a terribly stormy night, in a secluded hotel, the owner, Brigadier Norton, is murdered. Prime suspects: his daughter Elena, his second wife Liza, Liz...
A melodrama based on the operetta by the same name, written by Nikos Chatziapostolou. Beautiful Pitsa (Smaroula Giouli) lives in a slum in Plaka, below the Acropolis, and dreams of living in grandeur ...
The house with the red lights is located in Troumpa, Piraeus and is called Phryne’s Bar. Five women live and work there: Eleni, a girl who grew up on the banks of the Danube and studied sculpture in...