(Reel 1) The film stresses that it shows normal RAF life and has not deliberately selected its scenes. It begins with a training camp for pilots in France. New pilots arrive and are brought from the s...
(Reel 1) Men board troopships, including SS Leviathan, in New York harbour. On the crossing there are sports, a dance, and jive by black troops. A submarine attack is repelled by destroyers. The men d...
Raudteesilla õhkimine.
Lahingutes vigastatud vene õigeusu kirik Salaspilsi lähedal.
Hävinud raudteejaama hoone Jastrzabis Masoovias.
Purustatud raudteesild Kamennõi ([Kamenka]) jõel.
Vene kaevikute liin Odini külas.
Purustatud hoone varemed Odini külas.
Kekkau (Kekava) vallamaja-kohtumaja, taustal Püha Anna kiriku tornikiiver [1916].
Kekkau (Kekava) vesiveski varemed [1916]