This is a model documentary film about Alkis an autistic eleven-year-old boy who lives sealed in his own world and refuses to communicate. His French mother cannot stand the stress arising from her so...
Thymios Tampoulas (Kostas Chatzichristos) leaves his village Makrakomi and his fiancée, Birbilo, to go to Thessaloniki and meet with his uncle, who has come home from Australia in order to open a res...
Wandering around Athens by night. A grandiose parade of singers, composers, orchestras, shows and, in general, artists of night playing themselves, in a series of entertaining acts written by major hu...
A beggar becomes the link –and the narrator – of four autonomous everyday stories. The “honest “man that they are looking for is any candidate bridegroom for any poor and innocent young woman ...
Two friends escape their financial dead end when they win the lottery. They meet two girls who pretend to be rich and spend their money partying all the time. The money is rapidly exhausted, and the f...
Kostas Gouzgounis, the famous Greek porn star, playing himself, faces a potency problem, which he tries to overcome with a little help from his friends.