A young factory owner, Kostas Chatzipavlou, in his desire to win Elli (daughter of industrialist Achilleas Karmpantis), who had once slapped him during a soccer game, gets hired as a worker at her fat...
A poor but very decent teacher, Telis, who has resigned from his job, finds a winning lottery ticket in the street. Suddenly, his life changes radically. The man responsible for all this is Mr. Fokion...
The small community on an island in the Cyclades is divided because of the hatred between two captains (Lavrentis Dianellos and Theodoros Moridis). After one of them dies, his daughter Mandalena (Alik...
An American secret agent, Dan Holland, comes to Greece on a mission to find a hydrogen bomb that was stolen from a NATO base in Turkey. Instead, however, he uncovers the murderers of another American...
A furniture maker, Kostas, tries to save around three million drachmas in order to provide his older sister Katina with a dowry. He hopes that this will assure a match with Solon, neighborhood merchan...
A Greek gym-owner in New York, Michalis, is forced to ask for a loan from the richest man in Astoria, Antonis, who has connections with the underworld. Antonis also has a daughter, Martha, who is invo...
An office clerk (Thanasis Mylonas) pays off the debts of his fiancee’s (Anna Iasonidou) family with his boss’ (Christos Tsaganeas) money. He tells his employer that he lost the money on the street...
An expatriate from America, who made a fortune washing dishes, Lakis Petris, comes to Greece. A friend of his claims to have found the ideal match for him: a good girl who makes the best soup. Lakis, ...