This film is a parody of the TV series The Night Rider, where the hero tries to become like his famous colleague Michael Knight. Michael Sharp-Eyed is deeply mired in debt, and while almost on the ver...
Kotsos (Kostas Voutsas) is an honorable public servant. He is a director at the Ministry for International Contracts and Interventions. He is also married and has two kids. Of course, due to the natur...
The son of a businessman lead to the financial disaster due to his relationship with a stripper. Nevertheless, the new beggining will come after the reconnection with an ex girlfriend of his.
A portentous modern politician, Sotiris, lives together with his stupid feminist wife, Rena, and her sister Kaiti. Kaiti, who doesn’t share her sister’s feminist ideas, decides to go into politics...
At a private high school, student performance is poor because they all have their minds on naughty things, playing hooky and romance. From the naïve Theofanis to the retired student Theodora, and fro...
A wealthy young man (Giorgos Moutsios) falls in love with a Gypsy girl named Mara (Katerina Chelmi). Their families object to the marriage, and confrontation cannot be avoided.
A lady-killer by the nickname Gomenios (Lover guy) (Sotiris Moustakas) marries, but because, even after their honeymoon, his wife is still a virgin, he starts doubting himself. He decides to get help ...
A group of young men learn about love and pursue their love interests in various ways.