This is an experimental film without actors. The bird of sorrow experiences the taste of a tear for the first time and decides to forsake its painting (Landscape with yellow birds by Paul Klee), where...
The life of the Greek and Turkish inhabitants of Sinassos in Cappadocia is featured in this documentary, which is enriched by the inhabitants’ testimonies and interviews. The documentary features ev...
A woman (Noni Ioannidou) leaves her husband (Akis Sakellariou) in Athens and goes to Crete. Upon her return, she must overcome the challenge of a mysterious woman (Smaragda Diamantidou) who tries to c...
An experimental film that ventures a post-modern take on the tragedy of Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound.
Ten different people, each of them carrying their own burdens, memories, hopes and dreams, meet at the World Weightlifting Championships in Athens and form a bond.