"Das Dorf unterm Himmel" was digitized by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filmerbe" (FFE) in 2019. filmportal.de, the centr...
One of the last films about the King Alexander Karađorđević screened in 1934, the year of his tragic death. King Alexander Endowment, Memorial church of St. Archangel Michael with the crypt – the...
I. 'CAPTURED GERMANS. German prisoners of war captured by the French and Serbian Troops in the offensive which is being made towards Monastir.' German POWs fall in on station platform - the wagons of ...
I. 'SERBIAN TRANSPORT. Serbs bringing up ammunition and stores on pack mules, for the Serbian Army in Macedonia.' MS as a long column of pack mules passes over a wooden trestle bridge. To the rear of ...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Renate im Quartett" was digitized by Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filmerbe"...
Ambassador of the Russian Empire in Belgrade, Nicholas Hartwig (1857-1914), also known as an ardent Pan-Slavist and friend of Serbia, passed away unexpectedly in the Austro-Hungarian embassy, during h...
Mélusine Mayence, Mads Mikkelsen in "Michael Kohlhaas" (2011-13)
"Mein Name ist Eugen" (2005)
Michael Oppitz
Michael Nyqvist in "Colonia Dignidad - Es gibt kein Zurück" (2014/15)
Mads Mikkelsen in "Michael Kohlhaas" (2011-13)
"Der tolle Bomberg" (1957)
Michael Mendl
Michael Ballhaus on the set of "In Berlin" (2008/09)