An anarchic-surrealistic film which begins with the decision of a young man to continue the trade of his late father and makes a series of caustic references to modern social reality in the Greek coun...
Based on a true story, the film tells the tale of three men (Giannis Katranis, Aris Michopoulos, Makis Giannopoulos) who have murdered the rich mother-in-law of one of them and four members of her fam...
Following the theft of a precious icon of the Virgin Mary, monk Symeon is forced to leave the monastery and venture forth into the world in search of the icon. The perpetrator is Charis, the owner of ...
A charming widow comes to Greece, accompanied by her adopted daughter and her lover. There soon unfolds an entire conspiracy at the expense of the young girl, aiming at the fortune she has inherited f...
Iason arrives in Greece and goes to the house of his friend Michalis Drakakis. Here live his wife Mairi with her sister Magda and a sailor, Kosmas, who is a smuggler of whiskey and who supports the wo...
A German officer (Petros Fysoun) stays at the home of a Greek professor (Manos Katrakis) and falls in love with his niece (Elli Fotiou), who is really a Jew and has found shelter in the professor’s ...
Two years after the establishment of the Junta, a resistance fighter (Stathis Gialelis) who managed to evade arrest by the authorities, leaves for Sweden. After 14 years in exile, his return to Greece...
Α closed social system is ruled by a caste of lords: priests, ambassadors, politicians, bankers and servicemen. All of them prostitute themselves for the possession of power just as naturally as they...