This experimental film plays with the representation and alternative views related to metaphors for the passage of time, while also functioning as a study on the origin and nature of images. The artis...
Two friends (Takis Moschos and Minas Chatzisavvas) live together in the house which was turned over to them by a third friend (Thanasis Mylonas). They follow a peculiar rhythm of life, spending their ...
An unwed mother and her son are looking for a home in Athens. The city in August proves to be filled with inhospitable and suspicious residents, but the mother is adamant, hoping for the chance at a n...
A young chemist is looking for a job. First, he goes to a small company, a private family business run by a woman. The organizational level of that business is rudimentary, so the young man becomes di...
A young boy escapes from his home and spends a summery, luminous evening in the company of people who are wandering around at night. That night, he discovers a different city from the one he sees ever...
In Alexandria Egypt, in 1933, the great poet Constantine Cavafy (Dimitris Kataleifos) is dying in the hospital. A young fan of his, who wants to write his biography, records his last words. From this...