Geralis (Nikos Kourkoulos), a conscientious neurosurgeon who is dedicated to his science and his child, is called upon to perform brain surgery on a patient with a brain tumor. The operation is a succ...
In 1900, a gang of bandits abducts a young bourgeois (Kostas Arzoglou) and flees to the mountain, expecting ransom money in return for his freedom. The youth develops a friendship with the gang chief ...
Seven stories, all with Thanasis Vengos playing the lead. An Athenian looking for a parking space (No Parking). Thanasis referees a football game (The Referee). He is the projector in a cinema playing...
Young Aliki, after the death of her father, Mr. Nestoras, who was the general administrator of a theatrical company, takes the road to Athens with her sole companion Arapis, her dog. The orphaned girl...
This film is based on the true story of Nikos Koemtzis, who, after an incident he provoked in a nightclub featuring popular Greek music in 1972, became known as the representative hot-blooded popular ...
The plain of Thessaly, 1910. The tenant farmers suffer untold hardships, both from the Arvanites invaders who ravage and seize their possessions and from the chief landlord of the area Stratos Karatza...
A seamstress named Rena (Rena Vlachopoulou), unable to deliver a dress due to the strict safety measures of the hotel in which a famous football player named Julio Balmas (Nikos Galanos) is staying, g...
The Civil War that ravaged the country is now over, and one of the many fugitive fighters of the Left, Nikos Belogiannis, the man with the disarming smile and the carnation, a former captain of ELAS (...