The 2019 Copyright Directive brought forward a solution to clear copyright on out of commerce works. To benefit from this solution, cultural heritage institutions need to publicise their intention to make datasets available online via the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) out of commerce works portal.
To help archives who intend to make use of this solution, the EUIPO, in collaboration with us at Europeana, is launching a Datathon during which the EUIPO will guide you through the various steps of the process (so that archives can, as a result, clear the rights to legally share out of commerce works from your collections online).
There will be various online sessions, with time in between the sessions for archives to prepare the data for sharing through the EUIPO portal. The Datathon will consist of:
26 April: First online session to give participants information on how to identify what is and isn't an out of commerce work.
10 May: Second session to walk participants through the key functionalities of the portal.
24 May: Third session to help participants to prepare relevant datasets of out of comerce works for bulk upload to the portal.
28 June: Closing event in-person at the EUIPO HQ in Alicante and online.
All sessions will take place from 10h30 to 12h CEST via Zoom.
Archives interested in participating, ar asked to please complete and submitting the online registration form by 19 April. The event is open to all cultural heritage professionals interested in the topic. Everybody is welcome to join even if their institution does not intend to share any datasets just yet.
For further information, please contact Kaisa Unander at