The organizers of the FIAF Congress 2022, which will take place in Budapest, Hungary from 24-29 April 2022, have issued a Call for Papers for the FIAF Symposium entitled "The Visible Archive: Archiving, preserving, digitizing, and sharing 'non-feature' film collections".
Even if the cultural, technical, and historical value of shorter, non-narrative or non-fiction material is widely recognized and they often by far outnumber the amount of feature films in the archives, they still tend to receive less attention and despite efforts of the archives to preserve, digitize, and share their holdings, a significant percentage of this type of material in their collections remains invisible. The Symposium will address issues on how to research and preserve these extremely diverse materials and how to increase visibility of these collections to the archival and academic communities as well as the general public.
Deadline for submissions is 13 January 2022.
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