Telegram from Artur Brauner to Helmut Ungerland, 03 December 1959 regarding the shooting of "Herrin der Welt (Teil I)".
Memo on "Mädchen in Uniform".
Memo for "Herrin der Welt (Teil I)" on the shooting with ants in the "Berliner Aquarium".
Memo on the mention of Romy Schneider and Lilli Palmer in the opening titel of "Mädchen in Unfiform".
Internal correspondence on text changes and editing rules regarding "Mädchen in Uniform".
Memo for "Der Mann im Strom" about a meeting with Kapitän Mayer.
Letter from CCC to Kalanag, 20 October 1959 regarding the loan of snakes for the shooting of "Herrin der Welt. I. Teil".
Letter from CCC to Abdal-Asita, 04 November 1959 regarding the loan of snakes for the shooting of "Herrin der Welt".