A comedic tale set in the garden of the Thoms' family house, on a summer's day. A group of boys playing in the garden get into trouble with a pernickety neighbour but later redeem themselves by spott...
Close-up of a sergeant holding a football marked 2Y&L. Pan over the men of the battalion, lying, sitting or standing informally, with two Lewis machine guns in the front row. Two lance-corporals sitti...
An advert for Guthrie's mutton showing that only the best sheep are selected.
Young people enjoying various activities at Butlin's camp at Ayr. The purpose of the venture was to bring young Scots face to face with leaders in public life.
Lothian's coastal industries: fishing ports at Granton and Newhaven and the docks at Leith and Bo'ness. Its mining industries: shale mining by open-cast methods and a new pit at Bo'ness. Some of th...
The changing forces in the traditional borderland; in the fishing and textile industries, farming, forestry and housing.
The progress of the building of the Ravenscraig Steelworks in Lanarkshire over three years from 1954, from site clearance until the first steel is produced. Copyright: Corus Group Ltd.
Various shots of ships on slipways and dock scenes.
Little Baby has had good results with her chemistry experiment wherein tiny and innocent cotton balls are transformed into gigantic monsters. She uses her poor baby-sitter Nanni as a guinea pig. Seein...
Den stilfærdige Lars Lindstrom bor ved siden af hans bror Gus og hans kone, Emily. Lars passer helst sig selv, og Gus og Emily er derfor glade den dag Lars erklærer, at han har mødt den eneste ene....
Om Amerikas svar på Den afskyelige Snemand, et 2 1/2 meter højt væsen ved navn Bigfoot. Familien Henderson er så uheldige at påkøre Bigfoot og tager ham med hjem i parcelhuset som bliver sat på...
Politisk-psykologisk drama, der beskriver det fatale møde mellem en kvinde og en mand, hun mener at genkende som sin torturbøddel for 15 år siden i et totalitært land. Men nu er rollerne byttet om...
Belle er en bogorm, og en køn en af slagsen, men det irriterer hende, at hun så vedholdende efterstræbes af et tomhovedet muskelbundt som Gaston. Han er landsbyens Don Juan, som får alle piger til...
Om en ung forskers kamp for at finde løsningen på AIDS-virusets gåde. Alle nægtede, at der var et problem. Først efter 25.000 døde udtalte præsident Reagan offentligt ordet AIDS.