The festival of the Braw Lads Gathering in the Borders town of Galashiels; the historic flag is presented and then carried on horseback through the town.
Allerede før semesterstart på Hogwarts, skolen for heksekunster og troldmandsskab, har Harry kæmpet mod Dementorer i Little Whinging. Da Harry har brugt magi foran en muggler, bliver han indkaldt t...
Various scenes of the village of Colinton from the early 1940s through to the mid 1950s.
Family Christmas from the mid 1960s.
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
En revolverkvinde ved navn Ellen rider ind i western-byen Redemption, fast besluttet på at hævne sin faders død. Ellen har ventet mange år på at blive så stor (og så hurtig), at hun tør stå o...
To unge amerikanere beslutter sig af vidt forskellige grunde til at sælge top-hemmelige oplysninger til Sovjetunionen.
La construction du Résidence Palace de Bruxelles, racontée dans l'ordre chronologique, de 1923 à 1927. Le film a sans doute été réalisé pour le Crédit général hypothécaire et mobilier, maî...
Report on the 30 day visit of a group of Congolese officials to Belgium in 1953.
Unfinished version of the fictionalised documentary by Francis Martens set in Brussels' Marolles neighbourhood.
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
News items about the funeral of King of Belgium, Albert I.