Det er i efteråret engang i 1800-tallet. Ejeren af gæstgiverstedet, Hotel "Paradis", i den lille by Kirchhausen, Heinrich Schultze, befinder sig i en meget trykket økonomisk situation, da han ikke ...
Compilatie van actualiteitsfragmenten over het Belgisch koningshuis. 1. "FIANCAILLES PRINCIERES. LE PRINCE UMBERTO FIANCE DE LA PRINCESSE MARIE-JOSE ARRIVE A BRUXELLES". [23 t.e.m. 25 oktober 1929, cf...
Belgian parade for the resistance members of the educational institutions of Belgium.
Belgian parade for the resistance members of the educational institutions of Belgium.
A 'Cotter's' coach tour holiday to Austria.
Home movie of a family relaxing in a garden and on a visit to the beach.
Amateur home movie of a family at home - children playing in a garden, on the beach and at a play-park.
Manufacture of components for Black and Decker tools. [Incomplete]
Shots of the "Empress of Britain" leaving Greenock for Canada and of the interior of the Parkhead steel works.
Everyday life in the crofting community of Acharacle, Lochaber, in the 1950s.
The 750th Anniversary of Kirkintilloch and the celebrations and events to mark it, including a football match, swimming competition, and a church parade.
Australian troops practising bomb (hand grenade) throwing from slit trenches. The explosions are filmed at various angles and distances. The 'cup final' of 7th (Meerut) Division football championships...