Amateur footage of a show of wedding presents and a wedding reception.
Amateur home movie footage of family events, including home visits, trips to the seaside and riding stables.
Amateur footage of a Hazelden Riding Club gymkhana at Peel Road Field, Carmunnock.
Amateur footage of the last day of tram services on the streets of Glasgow, and the evening display of Glasgow's historic trams.
A recording of "Project 1965", a stage show organised by the Scottish Committee of the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, with Scottish regional guilds performing tableaux from different lands.
A 'Cotter's' coach tour holiday to Austria.
Amateur footage of a coach trip from Glasgow to Rome, travelling through France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany and Austria on the way.
A history of the Eastwood area in Glasgow, and footage of new community building developments in the early 1970s.
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
David og Candy bor sammen. Engang var de kærester, men nu er David mest til mænd. David er en tidligere tv-teenagestjerne, der nu arbejder som tjener. Han flyder gennem storbyens natteliv. Alt imens...
En revolverkvinde ved navn Ellen rider ind i western-byen Redemption, fast besluttet på at hævne sin faders død. Ellen har ventet mange år på at blive så stor (og så hurtig), at hun tør stå o...
Trine Vester: A classic tale of good and evil - a dramaturgic symphony, in which the movements are the source of understanding.
Belle er en bogorm, og en køn en af slagsen, men det irriterer hende, at hun så vedholdende efterstræbes af et tomhovedet muskelbundt som Gaston. Han er landsbyens Don Juan, som får alle piger til...
Om en ung forskers kamp for at finde løsningen på AIDS-virusets gåde. Alle nægtede, at der var et problem. Først efter 25.000 døde udtalte præsident Reagan offentligt ordet AIDS.