Newsitems. Amongst others, General Foch and Johnson having a conversation.
An unidentified news report about various aspects of the First World War. Great emphasis is being placed on the British Army and the recruitment of soldiers.
War-time report, probably broadcasted in November 1919.
Report on the Red Cross hospitals in De Panne and Nieuwpoort during the First World War.
News footage filmed almost entirely by Ernest De Bock, a printer who ran the Gaumont cinema in Temse. He filmed local events, edited them and did the inter-titles. A second cameraman worked on the fil...
Chain of pictures and moving images about the origination of the annual Yser pilgrimage from 1920 to 1929.
Tribute to former mayor of Brussels: Adolphe Max.
Four individual newsitems. One item specifically focuses on World War I: the 60th anniversary of the Armistice is being commemorated in the presence of Prince Karel and mayor Jan Piers in Ostend. They...
The battle of Zborov: Three soldiers in the trench, Tomeš in the middle.
The battle of Zborov: A soldier gives to smell a rotten can to his sleeping friend.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers in the trench with stuffy noses. One of them holds a rotten can.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers sit in the trench.
The batttle of Zborov: A board with the slogan in Austrian trenches - "Wer diese Stellungen erstürmt vernichtet Österreich."/ "A conqueror of this position will defeat Austria".
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers hidden in the trench.
An office with two sitting Russian generals (on the left Rudolf Medek - author of the synopsis). Tomeš registers himself as a volunteer.
A documentary part: First days of the independent Czechoslovak Republic - František Udržal speaks to the gathering of people in front of the monument of Jan Hus.
Kriegsecho in der Kinomusik, Der Kinematograph, 411, (1914), S. 18-19. Bericht über die musikalische Untermalung von Kriegsaufnahmen durch die Kinoorchester, die oft als störend empfunden würden.
R.Genenncher, Der Aufklärungsfilm, Der Kinematograph, 669, (1919), S. 16. Der Aufklärungsfilm habe seine Hochzeit hinter sich. Dem eigentlich hohen und lobenswerten Anliegen des Genres habe es gesch...
Felix, F.. „Die Kinematographie der Töne.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 78-79. Meldung über erste Versuche, Film-und Tonaufnahmen zu sync...
Hermann Häfker, Kinematographie und Krieg, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV,1, (1914/1915), S. 1-3. Der Krieg sei der Sache der Kinoreform förderlich, weil die aus...
Waldner, Dagmar. "Kino und Wahlagitation." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,7 (1913/1914): 174. Bericht über den Einsatz des Films, um die Wähler über die Notwend...
Große Protest-Versammlung, Der Kinematograph, 678, (1920), S. 3. Aufruf zu einer Protestveranstaltung gegen die Verstaatlichung der Kinos.