I. '"BOYS" OF THE OLD BRIGADE. Chelsea veterans reviewed by General Lyttelton on Foundation Day.' Chelsea pensioners in their formal tricorn hats march out to be inspected by the Elderly General Lytte...
In World War I, Romania is still neutral. In Bucharest, people demonstrate for entering the war alongside the Entante and freeing the Romanians from Transylvania. Mares, the leader of the Students’ ...
Gitta, a young woman who used to be a famous primadonna before her marriage, abandons her husband and her son for the sake of the theatre and goes to Russia with an actor, Vándori. She performs in ca...
Deutschland in der Vorkriegszeit: Landwirtschaft, Schwerindustrie, Hafenbetrieb; Rüstungsindustrie bei der Fa. Krupp, Bau von Geschützen und Einschießen auf dem werkseigenen Schießplatz; Flottenm...
Coverage of the 10th Pilgrimage of the Yser in Diksmuide. All pelgrims gathering at the central market square and around the Yser Tower to commemorate the Flemish military victims of the First World W...
An episode of the glorious patriotic series, born after the Armistice: the martyrdom of a girl from Marcinelle, shot by a German soldier because she threw her brioche at a starving soldier in captivit...
The very height of the patriotic film, including authentic footage, about the background and distribution of the Belgian newspaper 'La Libre Belgique' during WOI and Gabrielle Petit's part in the resi...
Documentary about a cooperative society established in 1914 by the municipalities in the Brussels region. The objective was to guarantee its population to provide everyone with meals during the years ...
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
American soldiers sent to France march with the American flags in the streets of Paris.
A soldier with cannon in a trench during the battle of Terron.
Im Soldaten-Kino, Der Kinematograph, 469, (1915), S. 8-9. Bericht über ein Kino an der Front. Das Kino helfe den Soldaten, durch Unterhaltungsfilme, die sie im zivilen Leben als sehr abgeschmackt ang...
Fort mit den letzten Überresten polizeilicher Gewalten, Die Filmwelt, 12.Jg., 49, (1918). Aufruf, dass nach Wegfall der Zensur auch alle anderen polizeilichen Verordnungen wie Werbeverbote oder das k...
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 21-22. Rezensionen zu "Aus des Deutschen Reiches Waffenschmiede", "Höhenluft mit Henny Porten" und "Der schwarze Chauf...
Josef Max Jacobi, Der Triumph des Films, Der Kinematograph, 563, (1917), S. 13-14. Die Macht des Films sei lange verkannt worden, im Krieg aber hätte sie sich bewiesen. Kinobesitzer sollten mit gutem...
Julius Urgiss, Oesel genommen, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 22-24. Rezension der Aufnahmen des Königlichen Bild- und Filmamtes von der Eroberung der Insel Ösel (Estland, zum russ. Reich gehör...
Voigt, Hildegard L.. "Die Hetze gegen die Lichtbildbühnen." Lichtbildbühne 23 (1913): 1-4. Die Kritiker des Kinos würden nur deren Auswüchse sehen, hätten aber nie ein anständiges Kino besucht. ...
Egon Jacobsohn, Ferdinand Lassalle, Der Kinematograph, 615, (1918), S. 18-30. Bericht von der Uraufführung in Berlin. Die Aufführung sei ein voller Erfolg gewesen, zumal es besonders gut in die Zeit...