01 – Tecnica (Torino, 01/11/1967) A Torino si svolge il salone dell'automobile; visitatori e fotografi affollano gli stand dove le macchine sono in esposizione. Anche il presidente Saragat, in...
This documentary was shot by Capra between November 6 and 29 1921 and shows the Italian battle cruiser Libia, visiting the port of San Francisco. The Italian sailors are welcomed to the Golden G...
Film restored in collaboration with Nederlands Filmmuseum.
A partire dalle "Lettere dal carcere", il documentario traccia una ricostruzione della figura di Antonio Gramsci. Si inizia in un'aula universitaria, dove un professore dà avvio a una lezione s...
The life of the philosopher Antonio Rosmini in the historical, political and cultural dimensions of the Risorgimento.
01 – Nel mondo (Mosca, 4/06/1970) Panorama della città di Mosca vista dal fiume Moskova. Alcuni cittadini sovietici ascoltano le notizie dall'autoradio o leggono quotidiani dove è riportata ...
Just outside the old city walls of Rome, we find a mass of washed-out houses and bumpy streets arranged in a geometrical pattern that makes them anonymous and depersonalized. The documentary fil...
The historical events connected to Garibaldi and the Expedition of the Thousand.
Bárta (laborer) in the uniform of Czechoslovak volunteer from France.
Three Russian soldiers sit on the bench and sing.
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk - the 1st President of Czechoslovak Republic - contemplates.
An illustrative part: Poster with the slogan: "Czechoslovaks! Join our free Colors!" and flags with provincial emblems.
An illustrative part: Poster with the slogan: "The God´s fighters - Czechoslovak army in France" and soldier on horseback with Hussite flag.
The battle of Zborov: Dead soldier and rifle with bayonet stuck in the ground.
Wounded Tomeš.
Austrian soldier with a rifle lying in the trench. A hand-grenade is in front of him.
Eiko Film, Ich kenne keine Parteien mehr, Der Kinematograph, 406, (1914), S. 1. Werbeanzeige mit Hinweis auf "Beseitigung der Zensurschwierigkeiten".
Revolverjournalisten, Der Kinematograph, 683, (1920), S. 20-21. Bericht, dass Filme auch in der Tagespresse eine immer stärkere Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen würden. Viele Zeitungen seien dazu übergegang...