[Visit by Archbishop Antonio Poma] Bologna, 11 September 1967. A car stopping in front of Saint Peter’s Cathedral in Via Indipendenza. Archbishop Antonio Poma getting out of a car, prelates kissing ...
[The Feast of Corpus Christi 1969] Bologna, 6 June 1969. A procession along Via Indipendenza turns down Via Rizzoli: it is made up of boy scouts, children with handkerchiefs on their heads accompanied...
A position opens up at the Institute of Psychology. Manfred, a faculty psychologist, jumps at the career opportunity of a lifetime, spurred on by his girlfriend, Therese, who is also a co-worker. Then...
Norman Babcock føler sig med rette misforstået. Her bor han i en by, der hvert år festligholder en hekseproces for tre hundrede år siden med al den uhygge, der hører sig til, men når han fortæl...
Den 17-årige Ethan bor i en lille by i South Carolina og drømmer om at slippe væk fra sit kedelige liv. Men alt ændrer sig den dag han møder Lena, der ¿ bogstaveligt talt ¿ er hans drømmepige;...
Årets første rigtige sommerdag falder helt perfekt på ungernes sidste skoledag; Lenny Feder har kvittet sit fede agentjob i Hollywood og er flyttet med familien tilbage til sin barndomsby. Her kan ...
Der findes få steder som New York, hvor grænsen mellem 'vindere' og 'tabere' er mere flydende eller levende. Hvem er vindere, og hvad definerer en taber? Filmens to hovedpersoner, Kimberle og Kevin,...
Short fictional film about travelling by train.
Det er i efteråret engang i 1800-tallet. Ejeren af gæstgiverstedet, Hotel "Paradis", i den lille by Kirchhausen, Heinrich Schultze, befinder sig i en meget trykket økonomisk situation, da han ikke ...
Political promotional film about the great work that was done by the Socialist ministers of the previous government.
Compilation of short News reports concerning: - a shouting contest - a man jumping from a driving car onto a flying plane. - thousands of Hindus travelling to the Ganges River. - Geese flocks on a far...
Report on the funeral of Queen Astrid, preceded by a compilation of important moments in her life.
Promotional documentary on missionary work in Belgian Congo. Commissioned by the Priests of the Sacred Heart, who are trying to recruit new missionaries for the Belgian colony of Congo.