A rich man, Loukas (Manos Filippidis), lives happily with his wife (Sofia Vempo), a refugee woman from the Caucasus, and their daughter. When a cousin of his pays them a visit, accompanied by a charmi...
A rich man, Loukas (Manos Filippidis), lives happily with his wife (Sofia Vempo), a refugee woman from the Caucasus, and their daughter. When a cousin of his pays them a visit, accompanied by a charmi...
Stella (Melina Merkouri), a singer at the Paradise nightclub is living a guiltless, turbulent, passionate and vigorous life. When she meets Miltos (Giorgos Fountas), a famous soccer player, she leaves...
A tenant (Ntinos Iliopoulos) residing on 288 Stournara Street narrates the ordinary stories of the people who live in the building. We learn about their life in the big city, their problems, amusing i...