The film is a modern adaptation of the old myth: twelve-year old Chloe lives with her mother in a fishing village – with Giorgos, son of a fisherman, as her companion in play. Her mother tries to ma...
This film is based on the book of the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis. The shooting of the film took place in Crete and depicts a Greek village under Turkish occupation. Every seven years, according to...
A film adaptation of Minos Volonakis’ theatrical production of Euripides’ Medea. A famous Greek actress named Maya (Melina Merkouri) returns to Greece to play in a modern version of Medea. During ...
The sister of a Greek Cypriot patriot is in love with a Turkish Cypriot. When the first clashes between Greek Cypriots and their British colonial masters begin, the Turkish Cypriots remain on the side...