On a stage featuring a backdrop decorated with plants and flowers, a girl performs a series of magic tricks. The short ends with a phantasmagoria of women, flowers and the final apotheosis. This fil...
Set in a drawing room decorated in Louis XIII style, a magician makes dancers appear and disappear from a hexagonal box that resembles a huge cigar box. The film forms part of what is known as 'cine...
Retrospect on some of Cardinal Mercier's public attendances, followed by a report on Cardinal Mercier's funeral.
Newsitems. Amongst others, General Foch and Johnson having a conversation.
Tribute to former mayor of Brussels: Adolphe Max.
Girls, nymphs, fairies and demons appear and disappear as they dance and interact with each other in front of a backdrop featuring large flowers on a black background. This film forms part of what i...
Three children are playing in a room. One of them picks up a toy theatre and places it on the table, at which point an animated puppet show begins and we watch four distinct acts: fencing, boxing, wre...
Documentario dedicato alla figura e all'attività dell'ambasciatore statunitense Dunn in Italia nell'anno 1950.
1 - Esterni dell'istituto San Michele di Roma
2 - l'attore Gervasi, travesti...
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)