Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS / Bildmeister "Jahreszeiten": On the screen of a TV set, first text: „Evening after evening, year after year after year, color TV sets Siemens Bildmeister.“ Color pictu...
The film is dedicated to Kostas Foteinos. The visual processing of the film was carried out at Bros Giannikapanis Laboratories using Negatives, Kodak-Ilford positives, 3M while the sound was processe...
This films tells four different stories, all connected by the banks of a river. Three bandits steal a cross and, while trying to cross the river, one of them (Titos Vandis) gets lost along with the lo...
After the revolution in 1821, in the village of Pentagioi in Central Greece, Maria, a beautiful, handful girl (Frida Poupelina), baptized by Father Gavriil (Achilleas Madras), gets all the young men i...
Jasmin Schwiers at the premiere of "Männerhort" in Frankfurt, on September 21, 2014
Franziska Meyer Price at the premiere of "Männerhort" in Frankfurt, on September 21, 2014
Uránia Filmszínház feliratos reklámplakátja fekete kerettel Felirat: Uránia Filmszínház VIII., Rákóczi út 21. Telefon: 131-888 Október 12-től műsoron A ménesgazda Gáll István regény...
Színes feliratos grafikai plakát zöldes alapon Felirat: La sposa era belissima A mennyasszony gyönyörű volt Gábor Pál filmje Stefania Sand relli és Angela Molina főszereplésével Operatőr:...
The production company "Carl Wilhelm Film Gesellschaft (Terra-Film G.m.b.H.), Berlin" applied against the censorship decision "723.20." at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was acc...
The production company "EHegewald-Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the partial ban of the film "Das Fürstenkind (Der Fürst der schwarzen Berge)" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The ap...
The production company "Ossi-Oswalda Film G.m.b.H." applied against the restrictions of the film "Kolibri" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was partially accepted. The film was...
The production company "Terra-Filmverleih G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the partial ban of the film "Lunapark" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was partially accepted. The ...
The company "Film Kartell Welt-Film G.m.b.H. in Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "II. Welttreffen der Arbeiter und Bauernkinder". The application was rejected. One scene was prohibited. One...
The production company "Prometheus-Film G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban (for young people) of the film "Quer durch Sowjet-Rußland" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application w...
2 sequenes had to be removed:1) the text passage number 5 in the 1st act "Ich werde die Kirchen nicht schließen lassen" ("I´m not going to close the churches")2) picture, 8th act, number 12: padre S...
Several changes to the film had been made and the "Deutsche Vereins-Film A.G." applied again for examina- tion of "Cyankali" at the censorship office in Berlin (Film-Prüfstelle Berlin, examination no...