Moderne dans opvises i studie. Seks elegante par danser "Maksice I Tivoli rives der ned og nyt bygges op. Man forbereder den ny sæson. Det ny Paladsteater rejser sig Dyrtidsmærker afhentes på Købe...
Bericht von den Feierlichkeiten zum 70. Geburtstag von Generalfeldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg am 2.10.1917 in Bad Kreuznach. Kaiser Wilhelm II. begibt sich mit Gefolge in die Villa Imhoff; Hindenbur...
Propaganda film urging the public to buy war bonds and contribute to the war effort.
Ralph and Edith Norton, two Protestant missionaries from Philadelphia, came to Britain for a period of three years to provide assistance to refugees and wounded Belgian soldiers from the war zone. Mon...
Near the town of Hluboká and its famous chateau timbermen are cutting down trees to be used for raft construction. One of the rafts, being approximately 50 m long and constructed at the Šafař const...
I. USSR. Moscow. All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. Delegates from China observe. Delegates from Korea, led by Agriculture Minister Kim Il. The delegates of Indonesia. II. Sofia Airport. An Albanian g...
I. Long shot across anchorage at Scapa at sunset - afterpart of a battleship, showing X and Y turrets, at frame right, and starboard profile of Arethusa Class (?) cruiser.II. Medium shot of Admiralty ...
Troops of a Moroccan division behind the lines in Champagne march in road column, led by their band, through a village to their sports. The sports include a football match and a mule race as well as a...
Jasmin Schwiers at the premiere of "Männerhort" in Frankfurt, on September 21, 2014
Franziska Meyer Price at the premiere of "Männerhort" in Frankfurt, on September 21, 2014
Uránia Filmszínház feliratos reklámplakátja fekete kerettel Felirat: Uránia Filmszínház VIII., Rákóczi út 21. Telefon: 131-888 Október 12-től műsoron A ménesgazda Gáll István regény...
Színes feliratos grafikai plakát zöldes alapon Felirat: La sposa era belissima A mennyasszony gyönyörű volt Gábor Pál filmje Stefania Sand relli és Angela Molina főszereplésével Operatőr:...