An amateur film compilation around the Borders. Includes footage of a visit to Duns by The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland the Rt. Rev Dr. James A. Simpson, a 250th annive...
Shopping in Glasgow. Fruit and vegetables being selected for delivery to local stores.
A survey of Aberdeen's industries, including shipbuilding, granite quarrying, fishing, papermaking, textiles and light engineering.
The Gathering at Glenfinnan in the Highlands to mark the 200th anniversary of raising the standard of James VIII of Scotland and III of England.
In 1968 Irmin Schmidt and Holger Czukay founded the band Can in Cologne, which cultivated an avant-garde style somewhere between free jazz and funk, krautrock and psychedelic rock, and also experiment...
Nach einer Umweltkatastrophe breitet sich der (fiktive) bolivianische Salzsee Diablo Blanco immer weiter aus und bedroht die Lebensräume von Menschen und Tieren. Im Auftrag der Vereinten Nationen sol...
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Steve Coogan (front) in "Shepherds and Butchers" (2015/16)
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene aus "Here and There"
Volker Michalowski (in the middle), Gael García Bernal (on the right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Swetlana Alexjewitsch in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
1. Zwischentitel: Am 1.9.1917 überschritten deutsche Truppen nach Bekämpfung des Feindes die Düna bei Uexküll. Bild: Deutsche Truppen überqueren auf einer Pontonbrücke am 01.09.1917 die Düna. 2...
Documentary about the life of King Albert I of Belgium. The film is entirely composed of archival footage.
Anti-Leopoldistische propagandafilm in het teken van de koningskwestie. Het gedrag van Leopold III wordt in scherp contrast gesteld met zowel dat van de Belgische bevolking als dat van de andere leden...
The film shows traditional farm life i the 1950s in a rural village in Western Norway before the land reallocation.
Fictional film about a wretch who wanders through the countryside. During this trip he brings misofortune to the people around him, causing displeasure. But all he wants is to find his beloved back.
Educational film about Belgium's reconstruction programme after World War Two.
Report on the growth of the city of Brussels
Socialist propagandafilm for the elections of 1958.