Newsreels from the week of September 18, 1944.
Newsreels from the week of September 18, 1944.
Newsreels from the week of July 9th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 9th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of September 1st, 1945
Newsreels from the week of September 1st, 1945
Newsreels showing the aftermath of the Second World War
Newsreels showing the aftermath of the Second World War
Mirush leaves Kosovo hoping to find his father in Norway, who abandoned the family when Mirush was very young. Now the father runs a restaurant in Oslo, but he is also in deep debt to the Albanian Maf...
Da Ane pludselig en dag uden varsel flytter ind i et drengekollektiv på Vesterbro i København, skaber det uro i balancen mellem drengerøvene. De må gøre plads i lejligheden, ændre deres lumre ru...
En nat om året, fra syv aften til syv morgen, er alle regler ophævet. Loven er sat ud af kraft, politiet holder sig væk, hospitalerne er lukkede. Men regnskaberne kan gøres op og uheldige elemente...
Her dream was to make it big in Jamaica as a reggae artist. It finally came true, but not in the way she had hoped.In the beginning of 2008 she hit the number one spot on Billboard's Hot Dance Chart w...
Report on Leopoldville, former capital of Belgian Congo.
Collection of news facts about Belgium shot by Dekeukeleire, commissioned by Gaumont.
01 – Salone (Torino, 20-22/09/1968) A Torino, il ministro delle poste e telecomunicazioni Angelo De Luca inaugura il 18° Salone internazionale della tecnica. Il senatore, accompagnato dall'in...
The mafia’s interference in every level of political power.
Report on Leopoldville, former capital of Belgian Congo.
Collection of news facts about Belgium shot by Dekeukeleire, commissioned by Gaumont.