A musical film with elements of a detective thriller, which was left unfinished by its director Theodoros Angelopoulos. The members of the famous band from the 1960s, the Forminx, try to find the woma...
The film is about the well-known “Polk case”, involving the murder of the American journalist George Polk, who had come to Greece to interview Markos Vafeiadis and was found dead under mysterious ...
Apostolos (Giorgos Kimoulis) and his sister Nanota return to Greece while the military dictatorship is still in full swing. Nanota meets a wealthy man, and Apostolos joins a resistance group against t...
Three couples leave Athens for their summer vacations, and a burglar breaks into their houses and discovers their secrets. The couples head for ruin, and only a miracle on the day of the Panagia (Virg...