Kitas pavadinimas (ai): The Town of Duchcov
Žanras: Documentary film
Metai: 1927
Trukmė: 7:02 min:sec
Aprašymas: The dreary looking landscape devastated by surface mining creates a contrast to the overall views of the town of Duchcov and romantic views of the Barbora Lake or St. Barbara´s Church. By the cemetery entrance there is said to be the supposed grave of Giacomo Casanova, a one-time librarian of the Earl of Valdštejn - the local chateau owner. On its film walk around the chateau vicinity the camera is documenting the Memorial of Walter von der Vogelweide, a part of the chateau garden, a church, and a terraced staircase. The remaining part of the film is dedicated to the supposed favourite places of Giacomo Casanova - the statue called "Perutě času odnášejí krásu" (The Wings of Time are Taking Away the Beauty), the Lake of Nymphs, the library, and the house, in which Casanova was living and writing his memoirs. The film ends up by a shot showing the original tombstone from Casanova´s grave. (The final subtitle indicates that this document could have been presented as a prologue to an acted film depicting Casanova´s life story.)
Raktažodžiai: dokument / důl povrchový / deska pamětní Casanova Giacomo / jezero / hrob Casanova Giacomo / kostel / pomník von der Vogelweide Walter / zámek / dům Casanovův v Duchcově / nemocnice církevní / terasy zámecké / socha nymfy / zahrada zámecká / surface mine / lake / Giacom Casanova's tablet / chateau / church hospital / grave of Giacomo Casanova / church / chateau terraces / Casanova´s house in Duchcov / statue of a nymph / statue of a nymph / Memorial of Walter von der Vogelweide
Tiekėjas: Národní filmový archiv
Teisės: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Gamybos kompanija: Elekta-journal
Spalva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Dokumento tipas:
Kolekcija: Český dokumentární film
Language: de