>> www.ivac.gva.es The Filmoteca Valenciana.CulturArts-IVAC is an autonomous public institution, created in 1998, which is in charge of the development, execution and coordination of the cultural policies of the Valencian Government in the cinematographic and audiovisual areas. This organism concentrates three different areas, the oldest of them is the Valencian Film Archive, created in 1985. The promotion of the audiovisual creation and the yearly organization of the cinema festival "Cinema Jove" are the other two main activities of the IVAC.
Inside the IVAC, the Valencian Film Archive is devoted to the acquisition, preservation, restoration, study and dissemination of the audiovisual heritage. In order to archive these the work areas and
services rendered by the film archive are: film archive, daily exhibition, publications, specialized library, graphic archive, and video library.
At the beginning of 2011 the collection held 26379 audiovisual works, of which 10343 films were analogue cinematographic materials and 20301 electronic material. Within these films we can find
Valencian, Spanish and foreign productions, most of them with a high cultural and historical value or unique materials.
As a regional institution, the Valencian Film Archive concentrates its efforts on the safeguarding of the moving images from the Valencian Audiovisual Heritage. Just like for acquisition and preservation policies, restoration projects are focused on that heritage and for carrying out these tasks we gratefully collaborate with national and international institutions.
With regard to that, the Valencian Film Archive participates in several restoration or preservation projects and through these projects it has been able to collect the work of the director Luis García
Berlanga or the films produced by Films H. B. Cuesta in the early XXth century. Likewise the IVAC has contributed with its funds to projects from other film archives all over the world.
The cataloguing of the film collection is fully automated and its databases are built to assist the needs of control and documentation of the whole process of acquisition, preservation and access to the Works and their materials. These databases are also the core of the filmographic information of the works in our collection that is available through the web page of IVAC.