I. Geneva, Switzerland. Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Andrei Gromyko, of the United States, Dean Rusk, and of Great Britain, Lord Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home – World ...
I. Report from the homeland of Panorama of the Metallurgical Complex "Kremikovtsi". – II. Opening of Central Children's Garden N 150 in Sofia. – III. Sofia court. The trial against US intelligence...
I. USSR. On the Kola Peninsula, planes carry mail and medicine. Growing cereals, vegetables and fruits. Fishing at the mouth of the Don River. Salt production from Lake Baskunchak. Moscow - constructi...
I. USSR. Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan. Geophysicists are doing research on oil. Drilling towers.– II. Dimitrovgrad. A Soviet cultural delegation, led by Academician Konstantin Scriabin, visits the...
I. Early spring. Snow-capped mountain peaks. A man by a bullock cart walks along a dirt road. Herd on pasture. II. The aircraft workshop at Bozhurishte airport. Technicians repair appliances, aircraft...
I. USSR. Lake Sinevir - forestry workers assemble timber into rafts. Cabinet - the chief architect of Moscow, Dmitry Chichulin, speaks. II. Yugoslavia. Belgrade, Banica district - review of youth labo...
I. USSR. Airport near Moscow. The President of the UAR, Gamal Abdel Nasser, gets off the plane. Leonid Brezhnev, Alexei Kosygin, Anastas Mikoyan, party and state figures and officials welcome him. II....
I. Sofia. Bulgarian Communist Party (BKP) main building. Hall - Sessions of the 6th Congress of the Bulgarian Trade Unions. In the presidium Todor Zhivkov, Stanko Todorov and others. Delegates applaud...