This film is a parody of the TV series The Night Rider, where the hero tries to become like his famous colleague Michael Knight. Michael Sharp-Eyed is deeply mired in debt, and while almost on the ver...
A poor boy grows up with the help of people in his Athenian neighborhood and goes on to study medicine. He falls in love with a girl who moves into the neighborhood. However, the young man marries a w...
A young officer in the merchant marine (Giorgos Kampanellis) marries a young girl (Voula Charilaou) despite her mother’s (Despo Diamantidou) objections. His ship sinks, and the girl has difficulties...
A young chief shepherd wants to marry a shepherdess, but his mother, who wants him to marry a girl from a higher social class, will do anything to separate the couple.
Gina, the daughter of the businessman Archelaos, runs away from her home so as to avoid marrying the man that her father has picked out for her. Together with her friend Boumpou, they try to elude the...
Vasilis returns to Aigio to find his beloved Krinio. He saves her brother by chance, but when he reaches the village he is surprised to find out that his beloved is about to get married. As he has no ...
Loukia is a proud young woman, a descendant of a family which, thanks to a lingering vendetta, has almost died out. Although she is in love with Alexis, the last offspring of the rival family, who has...
A rich young man, Tony Danalis, is in love with poor Lena and wants to become a writer. His first book is based on the confessions of an unfortunate mother, Rita, who has been looking for her child fo...
A pictorial poster, made by St. Almaliotis. In the middle of the poster, within a circular frame, the title of the movie reads in red, capital letters: THE ABDUCTION OF PERSEPHONE. Below, in grey mono...