I. SMS Prinz Regent Luitpold and Friedrich der Grosse pass camera. Medium shot of Friedrich der Grosse with pan to German battleships in line ahead. SMS Bayern and Kronprinz Wilhelm pass camera. Mediu...
The camera is fixed at a high position looking down onto Ludgate Circus as the various elements of the procession file through. Leading are Royal Marines and sailors, some of whom took part in the Zee...
(Reel 1) The Prince, wearing his naval uniform, comes on board HMS Renown at Portsmouth harbour on 14th March, shaking hands with Rear-Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey and Captain Dudley B N North. With the ...
”Harctéri karrikaturák (A rajzfilmek őse)” (1) A propagandafilm valószínűleg a Mozihét című lapban, a „Kruppka-féle (2) aktuális karikatúrák első sorozata"-ként (3) beharangozott ...
„IV. Károly király és Zita királyné Őfelségeik megkoronázása Budapesten 1916. évi deczember 30-án” A királyi pár négy napot töltött a koronázás alkalmából Budapesten. A felvét...
"Reportage on what life is in the trenches on the Western Front. It questions the aim to be achieved in spite of the bloodshed and continuation of dying soldiers in the Belgian killing fields. This re...
Newsitems from all around the world.
Pathé newsitems showing a number of military subjects.
Pathé newsitems showing a number of military subjects.
Hammering nails into flagpole of Czech legion and ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) in Kiev.
Ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) of Czech legion in Kiev.
Wide shot of an office. Standing from left to right are: Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík), an Austrian colonel (actor: Jaroslav Marvan), a military guard, Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír ...
Wide shot of an officer. Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) is standing on the left. Dr. (actor: František Smolík) is standing behind a desk on the right with his back to Rjepkin. An Aust...
Wide shot of a corridor. Corporal Bartoněk (actor: Jiří Vondrovič) is standing on the right with an arm in a cast and bandaged eyes. Infantryman Tlamicha (actor: Theodor Pištěk) is standing next...
First Lieutenant Liška (actor: František Kreuzmann) is lying on a hospital bed with his leg in a cast and smoking. An Austrian officer is sitting to the right of him and peeling something. In the ba...
Imperator Film GmbH, Wenn frei das Meer für deutsche Fahrt !, Der Kinematograph, 556, (1917), S. 30.
Walter Thielemann, Der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst und die Kinobranche, Der Kinematograph, 521/2 , (1916). Befürchtung, der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst könne die Kinobranche schwächen. Diese sei ab...
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 563, (1917), S. 22. Ankündigung neuer Trickfilme zur Werbung für die Kriegsanleihe. Sie werden allesamt als sehr unterhaltsam und technisch gelungen beschrieb...
Universum Filmverleih, Die Waffen nieder, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 28-33.
Julius Sternheim, Propaganda-und Aufklärungsfilme, Der Kinematograph, 592, (1918), S. 12-14. Propagandafilme müssten maßgeblich eine Botschaft verfolgen, was sie oftmals zwangsläufig langatmig mac...
Hansa Filverleih GmbH, Luftkämpfe. Ein Tag bei einer Jagdstaffel im Westen, Der Kinematograph, 558, (1917), S. 19-21.
Notes on the film and its thematics (a fundraising event for the War Memorial).
2 film guides (brochures), 18 pages each, 1st. And 3rd. editions. Documentary about the ventriloquist and automata creator Francisco Sanz Baldoví, codirected by Maximiliano Thous and Sanz himself. It...